
NZ Poetry Yearbook 1 (1951)


New Zealand Poetry Yearbook
Editor: Louis Johnson

(Volume 1, 1951)

96 pp.

Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, October 1951



  1. Louis Johnson / 7

  2. Poetry:
  3. Peter Alcock / 1, Thunder in the Oaks / 2, The Flitting / 3, Chorus for the Wedding of the Dead / 9
  4. James K. Baxter / The Immortals / The Dark Side / Wayside Station / 11
  5. James Bertram / Home Thoughts from Abroad / 14
  6. Charles Brasch / Aubade / Oreti Beach / To an English Godchild / 17
  7. Alistair Campbell / The Rock Spring / 19
  8. Lorna Clendon / Meeting in Autumn / 20
  9. Allen Curnow / Elegy on my Father / The Changeling / 21
  10. Merval Connelly / Norfolk Island Seascape / 24
  11. Ruth Dallas / The Ship / The Boy / Man from the Hills / 25
  12. Basil Dowling / Gnosis / Longevity / The Return / To a Boy Sailing Boats / 28
  13. E. W. Entrican / Poem / 30
  14. Margaret Garland / Pakeha / The Landlady / 31
  15. Ruth Gilbert / Sculptress / Hoelderlin / 32
  16. Denis Glover / Security / 33
  17. David Hall / Landfall in Dispersal / 34
  18. Paul Henderson / How Shall I – / After Flood / 35
  19. J. R. Hervey / Philosopher / Hero Worshipper / Easily the Spring Moves / 38
  20. Louis Johnson / Sestina: All Loss Possessed / Romance / 40
  21. M. K. Joseph / On a Stormy Night / On the Lifting of a Hand / 42
  22. K. Bell-Kandel / Facts of Life / 44
  23. Barry Mitcalfe / Landscape with People / 45
  24. S. Musgrove / The Picture / Waitemata Suburb / 46
  25. A. I. H. Patterson / Finale for a Love Affair / 48
  26. Lyster Paul / Two Songs / To a Sick Girl / 49
  27. James Ryan / Regrets for Jessie / Sonnet for a Blonde Waitress / 51
  28. Erik Schwimmer / Meditations of the Soldier when he Entereth the Cloakroom of His Office / 53
  29. Keith Sinclair / Child and Lily / A Wife and Mother / 54
  30. W. Hart-Smith / Autumn, Port Hills / Nursery Spiders / (57
  31. Kendrick Smithyman / Three Poems / 58
  32. Mary Stanley / Two Sonnets for Stephen / Sonnet / 60
  33. Anton Vogt / For a Child's Drawing / 62
  34. Helen Vyner / Ngauruhoe, 1949 / 62

  35. Commentary:
  36. Eric Schwimmer / A Closer Look at the Work of Four Poets / 65:
    1. Hubert Witheford / Alone / I hear the wind no more / The Magnolia Tree / At the Cavern Mouth / The Fireworks Festival / The Falcon Mask / Riding the dusty roads / There is no sojourn here / 71
    2. Pat Wilson / Growing / The Pantomime / The Lightener / The Tree / To Chaos / Deliberation / The Anchorage / 77
    3. W. H. Oliver / The Time of the Eagle / The Mirror / The Sea to the South / And I, in Arcady / Miraculous Island / 84
    4. Charles Spear / The Watchers / Homecoming / Animae Superstiti / The Disinherited / Ricimiero / Edward Vining / As It Was / Nec Reditura Dies / The Watchers / 91

  37. Acknowledgements / 96




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