New Zealand Poetry Yearbook
Editor: Louis Johnson
(Volume 10, 1961-62)
100 pp.
Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1962
- Louis Johnson Looking Forward and Looking Back / 7
- James K. Baxter / Notes made in Winter / 13
- Fleur Adcock / Note on Propertius 1:3 / 17
- *Helen Aitken / Hawkes Bay Society / 18
- *Elizabeth Allo / No Jewel / Ghost / Song / Room in the City / 19
- James K. Baxter / To M— in Clink / Rotorua / Brighton / At Taieri Mouth / Brown Bone / Ballad of John Silent / On a Univeristy Critic / Reputation / On a New Zealand Anthology / 21
- *Paula Hanger Birch / Luna Man / Man Has Fear of the Body / 26
- Peter Bland / A Voice in the Mail-Box / Poem at Oriental Bay / Stranded / Visitors / the Nightwatchman / The Nose / 28
- Angus Burton / Dark Lady: Lucy Negro, Abbess de Clerkenwell / February Spills the Creek / Fragment / 33
- Alistair Campbell / Personal Sonnets: I. The Soldier / II. My Mother / III. Childish Pranks / IV. Spring in Porirua / Wild Honey / A Woman in Love / The Climber / 35
- Gordon Challis / A View of Kites / Stack Room / The Bridge / The Inflammable Man (Sequel t ‘the Abestos-Suited Man in Hell’) / For Bryn (The Birth of a son) / The Host / 39
- Marilyn Duckworth / Widgie / Other Woman / Broken Engagement / Ending / 44
- Denis Glover / Here is the News / Suburban Gardener / Reflections of a Printer / Summer, Pelorus Sound / 46
- Kevin Ireland / Traveller / 49
- Louis Johnson / Tell Me the Time / He Smelt the Smell of Death Within the Marrow / Bread and a Pension / What the Sirens Sang / The Poisonous Mountains / The World and the Individual / 49
- *Jack Lasenby / Lovely and Loved as Love / Night in Town / 55
- F. M. McKay/ Island Bay / At the Airport / The Robert Johnson Paintings of Alice Springs Central Australia / Wellington by Night / Kapiti / 56
- Kenneth McKenney / Saturday Night / 59
- Philip Mincher / Lilith / Eichmann / Casualties / 59
- *Anthony Mora / The Witnesses / 61
- Barry Mitcalfe / Animalcula / 62
- W. H. Oliver / On the Waterfront / Harvest / Annunciation / The Remonstrance of the Norm (for J. K. B.) / 64
- Richard Packer / Sonnet One / Reborn Babylon / The Student Prince / 67
- Gloria Rawlinson / Scenes from Tahiti / 70
- Keith Sinclair / Impossible Loves / A Feeling for Leaves / 73
- Stuart Slater / Dr Donne’s Sermon / The Tawny Moths / 75
- *Chris Duval Smith / Sonnets for Astria / Dedication / 76
- Kendrick Smithyman / Commentary / The Morepork / Tern / 78
- Earle Spencer / For William Huntley Spencer / In 1961 / 81
- Robert Thompson / New Love, Old Love / Pruner’s Season / Who, in the Tall-Walled Silence / I May Not Walk from You / 83
- Hone Tuwhare / Never Look Back / 86
- J. E. Weir / The Watcher / This Boy and Girl / Bones in Te Apiti Valley / Elegy (To My Father) / Lazarus / 87
- Hubert Witheford / Ashes, Not Diamonds / Metal / Bohr on the Atom / The Day / King of Kings / 90
Acknowledgements / 95
About Contributors / 97
Bibliography / 99
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