Bernard Gadd
[Cover design: Bill Wieben]
Poetry NZ
Editor: Alistair Paterson
(Issue 34, 2007)
ISSN 0114-5770. 111 pp.
Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, California: Brick Row, March 2007
- Alistair Paterson / 9
- Bernard Gadd / Background / 10
- Rooster's jealousies / 11
- The king will / 15
- Scribes / 16
- Captain Cook explains / 18
- Sir George Grey aged / 19
- Immigrant (1926) / 20
- Elegy for Ettie Rout / 21
- Legends of Phar Lap / 23
- Finding the painted you / 25
- Death of the poet Walter Reiner / 26
- Girl on a rope / 27
- Flax blades / 28
- Andy Armitage / On a Yorkshire street / 29
- Cherie Barford / Companion in loss / 30
- Joy Blair / Further conversations / Rewind/replay / 31
- Jill Chan / Cartography / Dark/light / 32
- Jennifer Compton / In the Alfred Emergency and Trauma Centre / Love is not love / 34
- Marcel Currin / Opus 27, No 2 / The piano tuner walked in ... / 38
- Riemke Ensing / Occasion / Star / Alistair @Yeats / 40
- Jan FitzGerald / Talking tui / Afterwards / 43
- Robin Fry / The rose / Dreams of you / 45
- Christien Gholson / Yes, this is a love poem / Every tree is softly falling / 47
- George Gott / Kyoku #0263 / 49
- Matt Harris / The resurrected author / The 274 / 50
- Helen Heath / Diving / Dressing the body / Blow / 52
- Jan Hutchison / Pohutukawa / 54
- Stephanie Ioka / touhinu turning / 56
- Jan Kemp / On Shepherd's Hill / Red lamp / 57
- Catherine Mair / The canvas / a closed street / Space / 59
- Robynanne D. Milford / White Christmas dreaming / 62
- John Millett / Angus Nivison – his painting / Pas de deux / 64
- Pooja Mittal / the night dances / sandrock / 66
- Heidi North / Cuba street song / 68
- Mark Pirie / Ben Hollioake / Manual of love / Note to the poet who never entered / 70
- Kerry Popplewell / Return / 72
- Patricia Prime / The farmhouse / 73
- Nicholas Reid / A race-horse down a coal mine / Because I said so / 74
- Jack Ross / That hand / Funeral sermon by the Shadow Spokesperson against PC / Some more of your friends from Nevada / DEATH & BEYOND / Eva / 76
- Dan Salmon / When you come from where I do / 81
- d. n. simmers / Subways I have known / 82
- Ashleigh Southam / Phantom / Transit song / 83
- Gareth Strachan / Special Brew, Hackney Central Station / 85
- Ginny Sullivan / Night / 87
- Robert Sullivan / The winding stair / 88
- Paul Sutherland / No Grimms, Andersen or Beatrix Potter / 89
- Nancy J. Thompson / Out of the archives / On Robert Wilson's' 14 Stations' / 90
- Jo Thorpe / Not/holding / 92
- Marcus Turver / Under the banyans / 94
- Rodney Williams / The car stopping outside won't be yours / Second weekend of winter / 95
- Vivian Fu / The poet and doctor as one — the theme of responsibility in the work of William Carlos and Glenn Colquhoun / 97
- Raewyn Alexander / from the swimming pool question by Michael Morrissey / 106
- Alistair Paterson / Short reviews of new publications / 107
Featured Poet:
Other Poets:
Books and magazines in brief:
Notes on Contributors / 110
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