David Eggleton
[Cover photograph: F. J. Neuman / Cover design: Bill Wieben]
Poetry NZ
Editor: Alistair Paterson
(Issue 21, 2000)
ISSN 0114-5770. 91 pp.
Auckland: Brick Row, September 2000
- Alistair Paterson / 9
- David Eggleton / Background / 10
- Born under a rhyming planet / 11
- Forever Barbie / 15
- Explorers / 16
- Household god / 17
- The wedding / 19
- Relatives and relations / 20
- Descent from Mount Aspiring / 22
- Cutlets for King Kumara / 24
- Bouquet of dead flowers / 25
- Raewyn Alexander / born backwards /people clean their houses / there's a doctor of literature / 26
- Rob Allan / The poet considers how to call himself / The poet admits to a childhood of a kind / 29
- Tony Beyer/ The library / 31
- Iain Britton / On a good day / 35
- Roger Caldwell / A taste of gun-oil / 36
- Jennifer Compton / Standing orders / 38
- Alison Daniel / Athena had the shits / 39
- Belinda Diepenheim / there is a right time to fish / hot ink / 40
- John Doorty / Character shopping / Hard times / 42
- Eugene Dubnov / To the memory of Joe Dimmock / Sky's and earth's edge / 44
- Grant Duncan / Empty riddle / Hal reminisces / 45
- Riemke Ensing / Shoah / Here I give thanks / 46
- Blair Ewing / (Stochastics) / Memo to a non-admirer / 48
- Jonathan Fisher / Six part lust story / 51
- Robin Fry / I don't care if I sleep under a boat / Phoenix / 53
- Helen Jacobs / The river / 55
- Mike Johnson / Back down south / A brief personal history of the 20th century / 56
- Jan Kemp / Queen of the castle / 57
- Barbara McCartney / ake ake / 59
- Gillian McGrath / Your voice on air / 60
- Catherine Mair / Tagging / 61
- Pooja Mittal / All the world trades in / 62
- Ron Murray / Pushing dust / 64
- Vivienne Plumb / Arahura / Cup / 65
- Kerry Popplewell / Cimitero degli Acattolico / 67
- Patricia Prime / The broken bough / 68
- Helen Rickerby / Orpheus plays movie soundtracks / The lives of the dead and famous / 69
- Denise Sammons / Inside I am breaking / 71
- Ian C. Smith / Enigma / 72
- Virgil Suarez / Cuidado/Excerpts from the Book of Warnings / News from those who've made it / 73
- Jo Thorpe / Imperial words / 76
- Anne Tucker / in her bedroom / white napkin / 77
- Ryan G. Van Cleave / God does not appear anywhere / Understory like endless rain / 78
- Jack Ross / Necessary oppositions? Avant-garde vs traditional poetry in New Zealand / 80
- Riemke Ensing / Rock of ages – the Katikati walkway / 84
- Alistair Paterson / Short reviews of new publications / 85
Featured Poet:
Other Poets:
Books and Magazines in Brief:
Notes on Contributors / 90
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