Jack Ross
[Cover photograph: Alistair Paterson / Cover design: Bill Wieben]
Poetry NZ
Editor: Alistair Paterson
(Issue 22, 2001)
ISSN 0114-5770. 95 pp.
Auckland, NZ & Palm Springs, California, USA: Brick Row, February 2001
- Alistair Paterson / 9
- Jack Ross / Background / 10
- Jack Ross / from Lessons of the Genji / 11
- Saturday, 1st January / 12
- Gematriya on the Great Divide / 13
- Wednesday, 5th January / 14
- Shades of Meaning at Cape Foulwind / 15
- Tuesday, 18th January / 16
- ART / 17
- Tuesday, 11th January / 18
- Death and the Maiden / 19
- Monday, 17th January / 20
- Waituna Gorge / 21
- Monday, 24th January / 22
- In the Footsteps of Ice Giants / 23
- The Fishing Frenzy / 24
- What You Read in My Diary / 25
- The Bachelors of the Quintessence / 26
- Shanta Acharya / An Italian Prayer / 27
- Charles Bernstein / The Holler / It's Always Fair Measure/ Pinot Blanco / Ruminative Ablution / 28
- Owen Bullock / Tunnel Music / Please shut the ... /31
- Tony Chad / In case you were wondering / Ricardo /32
- Jill Chan / Summer solstice / 34
- Cyril Childs / Two (2) sonnets / Cricket song 1 / 35
- Philippa Christmas / Without Bone / 37
- Alison Denham / Persephone / 38
- Brad Evans / all of these, and more / 39
- Adrienne Frater / Viva la vida / 41
- Bernard Gadd / Sir George Grey debates stones / 42
- David Gregory / The price of Nowhere / 44
- Libby Hart / Angel / / Speaking Gaelic / 45
- Hazel Hills & Biddy Selden / The fierce girl / 46
- Fanny Howe / Blue barque / 49
- Anna Jackson / Making a meal of the thesis / 50
- Harry Johnson / so much depends on / longthinpoem / 53
- Jessica Le Bas / A sudden Sabbath gust / 54
- Elisabeth Liebert / pictures about me / 55
- Anna Livesey / Book 22: Hektor / 56
- Susan Maurer / Sea fire / 58
- Martha Morseth / city, after the flavour has gone / 60
- Todd Pierce / Footage / 61
- Mark Pirie / 13 ways of looking at road signs / Venice / 62
- Joanna Preston / Photograph from China / 65
- Barbara Raeburn / To Black / Answering hark / 66
- Knute Skinner / Deborah / 68
- Tracey Slaughter / ophelia practises her autograph / 69
- Jocelyne Thébault / Entre chien et loup … / Where am I? / 73
- Georgina White / Penance / 75
- Mark Wilkins / crush / 76
- David Eggleton / The Democracy of the Poem / 78
- Heather Murray / Talking Pictures: Selected Poems by Riemke Ensing / 84
- John O'Connor / Love Bites by Kate O'Neill / 86
- Alistair Paterson / Short reviews of new publications / 89
Featured Poet:
Other Poets:
Books and magazines in brief:
Notes on Contributors / 94
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